Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thing #8

Who knew about RSS and Readers? Not me, but I know some about it now. One of my dislikes about the internet in general was that for me it is so time consuming. It seems like when I get on the internet to check my e-mail or look for something, I fall into this black hole and when I make it out the other side 2-3 hours have passed!!!! What I like about RSS/Readers is that I can narrow the field and consolidate my interests in one area. This will help maximize my time. This will be useful both in my school life and personal life by allowing me to keep updated on my favorite topics and interests some of which I can use in teaching. I think that RSS/Readers allow school personnel to keep abreast of new developments as they relate to teaching.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about sometimes falling into a black hole! With the RSS feeds, it is all in one place so one's less likely to stray from the page. But, I do have to say, often its that A.D.D. part of my brain that pokes me when I'm focused and says, "look that random thing up!"

    But for the purposes of having a classroom blog, its helpful for the kids to see all related links.
